Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS, short for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a safe and non-invasive procedure that can be done on an outpatient basis at the office of Raul J. Rodriguez, MD. The treatment uses magnetic pulses to activate sections of the brain associated with mood regulation and depression. In recent years, TMS has grown in popularity due to its effectiveness, lack of side effects, and that it requires no medication.

How TMS Works

Transcranial magnetic stimulation uses specialized technology to deliver a sequence of magnetic pulses targeting specific regions of the brain. Participants in this form of treatment are fitted with a headset containing an electromagnetic coil, positioned over the left lateral pre-frontal cortex. Individuals with depression are shown to have abnormally low activity in this part of the brain. The repetitive magnetic pulses used in TMS therapy activates the neurons in the targeted brain area, inducing an electrical current in the part of the brain cell known as the axon. As a result, the brain is stimulated, producing a powerful antidepressant effect.

TMS has been FDA-approved since 2008 for the treatment of depression, and is clinically indicated when conventional treatments for Major Depressive Disorder, like antidepressant medication, have failed. TMS therapy is now covered by many insurances, and has become essential for treating anyone who does not respond to traditional forms for depression treatment.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Dr. Rodriguez

At Dr. Rodriguez’s Center for Brain Science, we employ the latest Deep transcranial magnetic technology produced by Brainsway. Deep TMS, also known as dTMS, is the newer generation of magnetic stimulation technology, and is even more effective in treating depression than standard TMS. The magnetic pulses produced during dTMS therapy penetrate more deeply into the left lateral prefrontal cortex, producing greater neural activity. Deep TMS also stimulates a larger portion of the brain than standard transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy. A more complete stimulation of the target area, as well as stimulation of neighboring parts of the brain, in turn leads to a stronger antidepressant effect.

  • “I feel better overall. I have learned valuable tools to help manage my issues”

    - Jay B, Delray Beach

Existing patients, please text 561-409-7296 for follow-up appointment requests or if you have medication concerns please text 561-409-7296.